2nd January 2024

The Ongar & District Community Association (hereinafter referred to as ODCA) endeavors to provide the Budworth Hall in a

well-maintained condition, compliant with the Health & Safety Act, 1974, the Food Safety Act 1990, and the Premises License

No. LN/210001366 for the purpose of hiring by members of the community and others.

In return, the ODCA expects Hirers to use the premises and its facilities in a safe and responsible manner.

The following clauses describe your responsibilities and legal obligations.

Particular attention is drawn to condition 21, 22 and 29 below.

1. All enquires relating to the hire of accommodation and facilities at Budworth Hall should be made to the Office, at

the above address. Provisional bookings must be confirmed by completion and return of a Hall/Room Hire

Application Form PLUS the deposit within seven days of the provisional booking.

2. The person who signs the Hall/Room Hire Application Form (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Hirer’) will be personally

responsible for the payment of all charges payable in respect of the hiring. The Hirer will be aged 21 or over and will

also be responsible for ensuring adherence to these Conditions of Hire.

3. The non-refundable deposit must be paid at time of booking and full payment 28 days before the date of hire. ODCA

reserve the right to cancel the booking if payment is not made on time. All payments wherever possible should be by

bank transfer, bank details are included on the booking form.

4. The Hirer will also pay a separate damage and breach of condition hire deposit. in addition to the hire charges

which may be applied in whole or in part to making good any damage, willful or accidental, and/or breach of

these Conditions of Hire.

5. An additional energy fee of £20 is payable for the use of inflatables ie… bouncy castles or similar.

6. The Hirers must vacate the building by the finishing time of their booking. A penalty charge may be incurred for any

booking that over-runs. The damage deposit may also be applied in whole or in part to cover penalty charges.

7. Notice of cancellation by The Hirer must be given in writing to ODCA at the Budworth Hall. If less than 28 days’

notice is given, the full hire charge will be payable. Where at least 28 days’ notice of cancellation is given, 50% of

the hire charge will be payable.

8. ODCA reserves the right to refuse to accept a booking, or refuse entry to the Budworth Hall, without being required

to give a reason or explanation.

9. If requested, The Hirer must submit for approval a copy of the program of any entertainment being

provided at the booking. In such a case only that which has been approved may be provided. Failing

approval of a program, The Hirer will be allowed to cancel the hiring on payment of the appropriate

fee under Condition 6 above, unless it is decided by ODCA, to remit such fees.

10. Where, in relation to a hiring, The Hirer is in breach of any of these Conditions, ODCA may, without notice, cancel

any other hiring in favour of The Hirer which relate to The Budworth Hall, and may do so without being held

liable or required to pay compensation for any loss sustained as a result of or in any way arising out of

cancellation of the hiring.

11. ODCA reserve the right to cancel any hiring without notice where ODCA considers it necessary to do so: a consequence of any outbreak or prevalence of infectious disease;

b.for any other cause outside their control.

12. In the event of cancellation due to causes under 10.a. or 10.b. above, any sum paid by The Hirer will be refunded,

but ODCA shall not be held liable or required to pay compensation or responsible for any consequential loss as a

result of or in any way arising out of the cancellation of the hiring.

13. All Hirers must be aware of their own legal responsibilities, including any need to provide their own insurance,

licenses etc., particularly when members of the public are involved

14. Hirers who are responsible for under 18’s and vulnerable adults will have their own standards and inspections to

comply with and that these will include appropriate qualifications, safety drills, safety inspections and safety logs.

ODCA may request copies of certificates e.g., public liability insurance before booking takes place.

15. The Hirer is in charge of the premises during the whole time that the premises are open for public entertainment

and shall not engage in any duties that will prevent The Hirer from exercising general supervision.

16. It is The Hirer’s responsibility to ensure compliance with any statutory requirements arising from use of The

Budworth Hall and The Hirer is required to indemnify ODCA against all fines, costs and expenses arising from


17. The Hirer is, during the hire period, responsible for the supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents,

their care, safety from damage, however slight, or change of any sort. The Hirer is also responsible for the

behaviour of all persons using the premises, whatever their capacity.

18. The Hirer shall not sub-let or use the premises for any unlawful or immoral purpose or in any unlawful or immoral

way. In addition, the Hirer shall not do anything or bring onto the premises anything, which may make void or

avoidable any insurance policies.

19. Performances involving danger to the public are not permitted.

20. ODCA cannot be held responsible for the theft of any belongings brought to the Budworth Hall. Items brought to

the Budworth Hall are done so at their owner’s own risk.

21. No intoxicating liquor or other drink may be brought into the Budworth Hall. The consumption of

intoxicating drink by persons under the age of eighteen (18) years anywhere in the building is strictly

forbidden. Drinks purchased at the ODCA bar must be consumed within the building and not taken


22. No illegal or hazardous substances are allowed to be brought onto the premises. Smoking in the

building is illegal and E cigarettes or vapor cigarettes are not permitted.

23. The Hirer shall not use the premises or permit them to be used for gaming or wagering other than lawful gaming

carried out in accordance with the provision of The Gaming Act 1968 or any amendments thereto and this must

be made apparent on the booking form.

24. ODCA shall not be liable for any injury “including injury resulting in death” or damage to or loss of property

whatsoever which shall or may occur to or be sustained by The Hirer, his assistants, servants or agents or others

entering on the Budworth Hall in the exercise or purported exercise of the hiring (except such injury or damage

as by reason of the neglect of ODCA or the Trustees or their servants, or agents acting within the scope of their


25. The Hirer will indemnify and keep indemnified ODCA and the Trustees, their servants and agents from and against

all claims and liabilities in respect of such injury or damage and all actions proceedings, costs, damages and

expenses in regard thereto and also from and against all other liability claims, demands, proceedings, costs and

damages and expenses in respect of injury to persons whomsoever, including injury resulting in death, and

damages to or loss of property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the exercise of the


26. The Hirer shall make good any willful or avoidable damage to or loss of property of ODCA, its Trustees, or agents or

servants which can be attributed to The Hirer’s use of the premises, to the satisfaction of ODCA and within the

timescale specified by an ODCA representative. The Hirer shall not be responsible for any fire damage to the

property occurring other than from the act, neglect or default of The Hirer his/her servants or agents, or others

entering on the property in the exercise or purported exercise of the hiring. Where ODCA themselves make good

any damages or loss, the full cost of this will be borne by The Hirer and payment made within the time-scale

specified by ODCA.

27. All means of exit and fire exits must be kept free at all times from obstruction and immediately available for instant

public emergency evacuation. Hirers should acquaint themselves with the exits, fire exits and assembly points.

Instructions in all rooms regarding fire safety and emergency procedures will be adhered to. A Fire Exit and

Equipment Plan will be provided at the time of booking. Hirers must know the procedure to be adopted in the

case of evacuation of the premises and be familiar with the firefighting equipment available.

28. In addition to The Hirer there must be at least one other adult (over 21 years old) on duty in the premises during

the period of the Hall/Room hire.

29. The Hirer will ensure that hay, straw or other hazardous items are not brought onto the premises.

30. ODCA reserve to themselves and their representatives the right to enter the premises hired at all times.

31. The Hirer shall not infringe any subsisting copyright or performing right and hereby indemnifies ODCA against all

sums of money which the ODCA may have to pay by reason of any infringement of copyright or performing rights

occurring during the period of hire.

32. When the Budworth Hall is un-staffed, The Hirer is responsible for the security of the room(s) hired and the building

in general.

33. No nails, tacks, screws etc. shall be driven into or adhesives fixed to any of the walls, floors, ceilings, furniture or

fittings except by prior arrangement with ODCA. The wearing of footwear, including stiletto heels which might

cause damage to floors is not permitted, should any damage be caused the terms of Condition 25 shall apply.

34. The Hirer will vacate the premises at the time specified on the Hall/Room Hire Application, and shall leave the

premises, fixtures, fittings and other property in a clean and in as good an order as they were at the time of

entry. Unless written authority from ODCA has been obtained showing a time extension, all bookings must cease

by mid-night.

35. The Hirer shall ensure that caterers, contractors and others, supplying or serving refreshments, or

providing decorations etc. comply with all current legislation relating to food hygiene, health welfare

and safety matters and remove from the premises all their articles and property by the time specified

in the Hall/Room Hire Application and shall observe and carry out any instructions which may be given

to them in this connection.

36. Furniture and other property owned by ODCA or other person (s) must not be removed from the room(s)

being hired.

37. The provision of hot water and the preparation of food are permitted only in the kitchen or other areas

where special approval has been given by ODCA. No other rooms may be used for these purposes

except with the prior approval of the ODCA and where The Hirer can demonstrate compliance with

relevant Health and Safety Regulations and Food & Hygiene Regulations. The Hirer is responsible to

ensure the kitchen and equipment are clean after use to the satisfaction of ODCA or a deduction to

cover the cost will be from the damage and breach of condition hire deposit.

38. Any alteration to, or addition to the electrical and/or lighting systems, fire system or plumbing systems is

strictly forbidden, except with the special approval of ODCA who may impose special conditions. The

Hirer will ensure that any electrical equipment brought onto the premises by The Hirer or his/her

contractors or others has been tested and holds a valid Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate and is

installed by a suitably qualified person before use. ODCA will not be held responsible for any death,

injury, loss or damage caused by the items while they are being used on the premises.

39. The Hirer should note the need to adhere to all other relevant legislation in respect of the activity for

which they are hiring rooms or facilities e.g. Legislation relating to the care, safety and welfare of

vulnerable people and children, operation of nurseries, crèches etc.

40. In the Ballroom Helium balloons must be weighed down and all other balloon types must be secured.

This is to prevent the fire detection system being activated. Should this occur a deduction to cover

ODCA’s costs will made from the damage and breach of hire deposit.

41. Please leave the Hall in a clean and tidy condition at the end of each hire period. All rubbish must be

removed from the premises on completion of the hiring. Any rubbish left will be removed at The

Hirer’s expense. It is The Hirer’s responsibility to clean furniture after use. All equipment, goods etc.

brought onto the premises by The Hirer, his/her contractors, servants, agents or others must be

removed at the end of the function. Brooms are provided for your use. If additional cleaning or

caretaking costs are incurred, an extra charge will be made.

42. ODCA reserve the right to alter or amend the conditions of hire at any time.


1. By contacting Ongar and District Community Association (ODCA), Hirers of our Facilities are acknowledging

that in the legitimate interests of ODCA, we process their data, both manually and by electronic means, for

the purposes of providing administration, management and advice.

2. We process only information supplied directly to us by the Hirer of our Facilities at the time of contacting

ODCA and from time to time subsequently. We do not acquire personal data from any other source.

3. We do not share this information with any other organisation without individual consent.

4. We take all reasonable security measures to protect the data.

5. A Hirer of our Facilities may request removal of all or part of their data at any time.

6. A Hirer of our Facilities can be reminded of the data held by ODCA by contacting the ODCA Secretary.

7. When an individual cease to be an active Hirer of our Facilities their data will be retained for a period of two

years and then deleted.

The Budworth Hall

High Street

Chipping Ongar

Essex CM5 9JG


Telephone: 07918 462 959


The ODCA is a registered charity No: 270668

VAT No. 246 8971 15

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